Copyright © Chicken and Rice LLC. All Rights Reserved 

"What we have to learn to do we learn by doing." - Aristotle

A total of 4 hours a week will be spent working on professional growth. A personal growth plan will be written the second/third week of the internship program with the intern’s mentor. Throughout the internship experience, interns can expect to grow in three distinct ways:

The books read:

Prior to the first day of the internship, the intern will read How did you do it Truett? to gain an insight as to the WHY Chick-fil-A does, what it does. During the first 4 weeks of the internship, The Secret of Teams will be read and for the duration of the internship, HEART of Leadership will be read. All books will be discussed with your mentor during bi-weekly meetings.

The people met:

Mentorship meetings will be hosted bi-weekly with the director (mentor) that oversees specific areas of the business that the intern is assigned to. The Intern will have 1 meeting with the store Owner/Operator at the 5-week mark, to discuss the progress of the internship and the expectations for the presentation of the final project. Additionally, members of the executive leadership team will meet with the interns a minimum of 3 times during the internship program. Interns are encouraged to meet with other store operators within Chick-fil-A and management in areas of interest.

The experiences had:

Experiences will include, visiting other Chick-fil-A stores in the Richmond market, working alongside of the marketing team, assisting in the execution of a marketing event, tracking customer feedback daily (CEM), observing, working with Lasting Impact’s facilitator to create and execute a special event for team members and be a part of a team in a 14+ million-dollar business.

The final project: Lasting Impact  

Interns will utilize the first 5 weeks of their internship to observe the business while participating in it; during the five weeks, interns will identify a specific area in the business and identify what improvements could be made and how changes would be implemented, and possible outcomes. The intern will discuss their area of choice with the Owner/Operator in their meeting during week 5 of the internship, if the chosen area is not approved by the Owner/Operator during the meeting, the Owner/Operator, Executive Team Members, and the mentor will develop a specific area of focus. Week 10, interns will present to the Owner/Operator, Executive Team, mentor, and facilitator how they identified their specific area of the business for improvements and how their changes will create a positive lasting impact.

Entrepreneur and Leadership Program: By the end of Lasting Impact, interns should possess the skills and knowledge to apply for the Entrepreneur and Leadership Program. To gain an additional competitive edge, Lasting Impact Interns will be given priority to apply and interview in the fall semester of their senior year. 

Proudly Presented by-Chick-fil-A & Chicken and Rice LLC.